Monday, September 29, 2008


Quaint juxtaposition sentient to my being
Excruciating effort put forth
By a mind groping for words, strings of letters
To form phrases at correct phases

Discombobulation in triumph
Like fluid flushed down the drain
It escapes the essence in its senseless séance
To connect the un-alive with the undead

Quagmire of loathing at best
Pretense hidden beneath/between the words
Rich colors blurred to a grey
Bloodshot eyes shut to my face.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I am dwindling away with the wind
Patches of what was me slowly scatter
Bits and pieces falling to the ground
Some form part of the flowing river
Others blown by the wind
Still a few settles on the rocks
These are then imprinted, fossilized.

Friday, September 12, 2008


"it was a curious, wanting thing." what was it? it changed me. it left a mark in my being i am not sure will ever be erased again. i was intrigued, fascinated by it. i couldn't get it out of my thoughts. it's like the wine that keeps swirling inside a connoisseur's wineglass before being drank. it's just there, hovering over my daily thoughts.