Monday, November 27, 2006


An acquaintance once told me of something I will always remember to this day. He said we are like the fish in the sea immersed in water. Instead of being immersed in water, he said we are immersed in God. Funny how the idea crept my mind when I am so busy with pending transactions for work and everybody else about me is busy as well.

Maybe it's the Holy Spirit that gave me the inspiration. Or perhaps I'm just so out of touch with my spirituality that I mistake such an idea to be a prodding from the Holy Spirit.

I must admit I was quite close to HIM. By HIM any believer should know WHO I meant. I used to write HIM daily. I have a journal for that purpose. And every once in a while I'd read my entries and I find myself smiling to myself or feeling nostalgic over some of them. It is a wonderful feeling. Somehow despite my lack of structured prayer life I feel close to HIM. In fact, many may see me as the seasonal Catholic. I go to church only when I feel like going and that's few and far between.

So why do I get this feeling now? Maybe I'm just being my old procrastinating self again. You see I function better (or I believe I do) when I'm cramming for something. The adrenaline rush pushes me to the limit or it feels like I'm able to optimize my potential. Here I am with my justifications again. Come to think of it, why indeed will I feel this way at this exact moment?

Lucky are the fish for they live their life according to how they were created. Sometimes I wonder when I can say I am able to live my life according to HIS grand plan. Or if I ever has an idea of that grand plan. I'd be counting decades but I'm not sure if I'll ever get to that point of knowing. The fish that's immersed in water contently swims with or against the current. It joins its kind or wander off alone at some point. It gets caught or luckily gets untangled from the net. It lives a life meant for it. We enjoy it if it happens to get caught in the net. We enjoy its beauty as it displays its colors in an unnatural setting - aquarium.

And now the question is: Does the fish feel wet? Or like that friend I was talking about asked, "Do we feel immersed in God?" Maybe like the fish that probably doesn't feel wet we don't feel being immersed in God. But it doesn't mean we aren't. Who can say we are and who can say we are not with absolute certainty?


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